Monday, June 11, 2012

What is a Soulmate?


The word "soulmate" brings to mind mystical images of New Age gurus. If you have read books by American author Richard Bach, you may have an idea of what a soulmate is. According to Bach, and many others before him, a soulmate is a twin soul, somebody who has an affinity in love and friendship that goes beyond superficial compatibility. In fact, a soulmate does not necessarily shares the same taste in music and clothing or even agrees with your lifestyle, but he or she has something that complements you and makes you feel complete.

The concept of a soulmate is nothing new. In his "Symposium," Plato refers to a soulmate by using the analogy of humans who originally had four legs and arms, until the Greek God Zeus split them in half and scatter them around the world. Since then, people have always been looking for their other half, in an attempt to become a full person again.

The New Age concept of a soulmate is somewhat similar to Plato's idea, except that the theory goes a step further, implying that a soulmate has probably shared your life before. The concept of reincarnation is closely related to the explanation of why a soulmate feels "familiar" to you from the first time you see him or her, even though you have never met the person before.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


                                                              MY TRUE LOVE

                      MY TRUE LOVE WAS SENT TO ME
                      FROM AN ANGEL UP ABOVE
                      BREATH TAKING IS SHE
                      THE ONE I ADORE MOST
                      OF ALL THAT I SEE
                      SHE KISSES MY THOUGHTS
                      WHENEVER I MIND
                      WHILE MAKING ME  WANT
                      WHATEVER WE FIND
                      MY TRUE LOVE WAS SENT TO ME
                      FROM AN ANGEL ABOVE
                      BREATH TAKING IS SHE
                      EVERYTHING ABOUT HER
                      JUST FEELS SO RIGHT
                      AND OH !  HOW I LOVE HER TOUCH
                      MY TRUE LOVE I LOVE SO MUCH
                      AN ANGEL MUST HAVE FOUND HER
                      FOR ME TO FIND

                       Written  By :  William

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

what should you look like?

Adriana Baby
Isn't she just somethin?

Do not take this as an example please !!

Good Girls Do Come In All Sizes You Know !!

I   do *** appreciate very much !!                                                     

Thanx 4 Understanding !!                                                  
Queen SHE

Looks  R  Not  Everything You Know!! Even though it doesn't hurt to be a Hotty.. So  I  Emphasize  On  The  Heart,  And  Soul  Of  A  Persons attractiveness...  Being funny can usually break the Ice with me ya know!!!!!!!!!!!!                                           
Just  Have  Some  Witt's  About  You,,  And  I      Suppose  A  Great  Caboose  Doesn't  Hurt           Either. Adriana Limas Is Something Isn't  She??      

pics of me

about me

As  You  Can  Tell Already;  I Am Searchin 4 My Very Own Twin Soulmate..  Well, I shall Begin By Saying I Am A Scorpion, I stand 5' 9" Tall, And Weigh 155 Lbs.
My Taste In a good Women Is what  I Most desire.  My Very Own Soulmate for me.  One That Is a lot Like Myself; And That Is The Just Of It Period;  In a Nut Shell, i'm seeking  A Brainstormer,  Outdoors Type, Willing 2 Take Chances, and brings glory to God.. She should be Between 23 And 38 Years Of Age, and doesn't mind having an older man.  I Am Into  Graphics Design, And Promoting Great Stuff..  I Love Pro Football, Baseball, Christian Music, Camping, Going 2 The Nearest Drive-Ins (when you can  find one around)... How Bout You?  What R U Into?  My Only Setback Is That I Am On Crutches..  I Grew Up With  Rheumatoid Arthritis; And It Has Left Me With Degenerative Joints; and I am full of life,   So I want that special someone to share each moment with,and to be a compliment to each other.   So why don't we get together and Create a new dream!!
                            Sincerely Yours,,,




two hearts locked together

two hearts locked together

My FAV purple hearts intertwined

all together in love

all my love

all my love