Tuesday, May 29, 2012


1. soulmate
A person with whom you have an immediate connection the 
moment you meet -- a connection so strong that you are                                       
drawn to them in a way you have never experienced before. 
As this connection develops over time, you experience a                     
love so deep, strong and complex, that you begin to doubt                                 
that you have ever truly loved anyone prior. Your soulmate                                
understands and connects with you in every way and on every                         
level, which brings a sense of peace, calmness and 
happiness when you are around them. And when you are not                            
around them, you are all that much more aware of the                                             
harshness of life, and how bonding with another person in                                   
this way is the most significant and satisfying thing you 
will experience in your lifetime. You are also all that 
much aware of the beauty in life, because you have been 
given a great gift and will always be thankful.
2. soulmate
Noun; Verb; The first time you glimpse at each other you 
are immediately drawn to each other, extremely different 
than ever recognizing anyone you have ever met before. You 
already know them, feel who they are. Then you speak and 
realize this is the most amazing person you have ever met 
and you feel unnaturally comfortable with them. Instead of 
wanting to know the "basics" about them it is like meeting 
an old friend you haven't seen in ages and it is time to 
catch up. This is the person you have been searching for. 
In that moment the longing stops but you don't realize 
until you are forced to be apart. This person completes you 
on a spiritual level and anything could happen, good or 
bad, one look in their eyes brings a smile to your face and 
peace to your heart. Suddenly everything you have worked 
for in your life becomes clear and the path you were unsure 
of following is now being lit for the both of you to 
follow. All your fears vanish and you no longer question 
your purpose in life becaus...
3. soulmate
The one person who can always make you smile, who shares 
your hopes and dreams, who makes you whole. Folklore claims 
that when a soul decends to earth it splits in two, each 
half of the soul inhabiting a seperate body. These two 
people are forever after 'soulmates,' and will never be 
complete until they find one another.
Susan and Jon had such a strong love that they believed 
they were soulmates.
4. soulmate
A soulmate is some one you have a very deep connection. It 
is not always easy explained. It is a meeting of mind, 
heart, body and soul on the highest of levels. 
Communication is at its easiest, as they understand you 
perfectly, and accept you completely with no judgments.
A soulmate is when you love an imperfect person perfectly.
5. soulmate
Another person with whom you share a deep, unshakable 
emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual connection. 
Simpler phrases like "on the same wavelength" or "cut from 
the same cloth" are vastly insufficient. 
You are both, in all the ways that matter, the same person. 
Once experiencing this epiphany, you will not only come to 
truly understand another's soul, but better understand your 
own as you are merely reflections of the same inner being. 
We are imbued with unique qualities at 
birth/conception/creation that follow us and develop our 
whole lives, some inner resonance. And somewhere, 
throughout that life, if we're fortunate and have our eyes, 
ears (and hearts and minds) open, we'll come across someone 
who shimmers the same way we do and be elevated, forever 
There are many people in this life whom we may "get along 
with" or think similarly to. Yet with one's soulmate there 
is an striking additional component that is not easily 
defined. A sensed shared "vibration" that at times just                                                             
levels you with merely a glance or being physically near                                                 
that person.                                
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by Mr. Biceps Mar 15, 2009 share this add a video
6. soulmate
A soulmate is one of two souls in an eternal marriage,                                                                    
created and paired by God. If a person has not met their                                                                                            
soulmate, they will yearn for their one true love. If a                                                                                               
person is lucky enough to meet their soulmate, their belief                                                                           
in that ever elusive 'one true love' is restored or 
It is difficult, if not impossible to give an example of a                                                                                                        
soulmate and maybe it's more practical to describe some 
characteristics of soulmates. Soulmates love, respect and 
honour each other equally. Soulmates literally do not need 
anyone else for their emotional, mental or physical needs. 
Their bond is paralleled only by other soulmate couples and 
their physical attraction is electric, always transcending 
differences such as age and race. If you win life's lottery 
and fall in love with your soulmate, love will become very 
clear to you, no more questions or confusion. You will feel 
blessed and thank God for every moment you spend with your 
soulmate. I know this part will earn me some thumbs down                                                                
but thank-you Sasha for being my soulmate, teaching me what                                                                     
true love is and inspiring me to be the best person I can                                                                                                   
be for you.                                                                                    
7. soulmate
Someone that you meet you feel an imediate              connection to.                                                                          
Someone that makes you beleive in god due to the feelings                                                                                        
that spring out of your heart and soul willing or    unwilling                                                                                   
you feel as though you need that person! I do not  beleive                                                                                       
that this person has to be your one and only, the one you                                                                                     
marry but you always feel this person with you no matter                                                                                           
where you are! It is greater than an earthly love! It is                                                                                                       
one soul two bodies! Treasure if you are even lucky enough                                                                                          
to meet this person, your other half! Enjoy the         things                                                                                           
shared do not get stuck on trying to define what     you are                                                                                      
just except that there are greater things that we have no                                                                                    
words to explain they are just Godsent  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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